Advance Wars


The Wars series is a series of military-themed strategy video games, usually developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. The series' titles were all developed by the same studio and feature some of the most iconic characters of the genre, including General George Washington, Napoleon, and the Soviet Union. The game series also includes the popular Famicom Wars and Advance Wars titles. This article will give you a quick overview of the series' history. Also known as the "Famicom Wars" series, this series features several of Nintendo's classics, including the wildly popular Advance Wars.

Advance Wars is the first Wars game released in the west, and is part of a compilation with a sequel. The game was delayed for a year after the September 11 attacks, but the wait was worth it because Advance Wars features a good base story and an exciting, unique world. The game includes commander characters with special abilities that can change the course of a battle. You can play as up to four players simultaneously using the Game Link Cable or swapping Game Boy Advances.

