Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance


Squaresoft's 2003 tactical role-playing game Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is a spinoff of the series. While it shares several traits with its 1997 predecessor, this game differs in several ways. It is more about strategy than role-playing, but still contains elements that fans of the Final Fantasy series will enjoy. Let's find out why. Continue reading for an in-depth review of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

The game is a strategic combat-style RPG based on the popular Final Fantasy franchise. This game follows the adventures of Marche, a down-on-his-luck kid, and his friends. The story is told through the eyes of the protagonist, Marche, who uses magic, fighting, healing, archery, and healing skills to achieve victory. To win, players position their characters on the battle map to gain an advantage over their opponents. They must carefully calculate offensive advances and defend their territory. The game also supports two-player battles with the use of a GBA link cable.

